New News

leah Animals, Homesteading

Ironically I wrote this post over two months ago and it turned into a draft and was never published, so “new news” is actually super old news by now, but here it goes.

We kept looking at our eggs after cracking them open and noticing that they had a fertile spot in the yolk.  Aha…we must have another rooster!  But which one?  At least one of five Silkies is likely a male, since it would be very unusual to end up with 5 females after order 5 unsexed chicks.  But the Silkies don’t seem very sexually mature yet.  So not likely the culprit.  Hmm…we thought maybe it was Orangina, our orange EE.  But then Christine noticed that one of the lighter colored EEs had a feathered out tail and a different comb than the others.  Yes, it seemed we had another rooster in our midst.

And after pointing at the chicken and talking about “him” we went to bed and woke up to our first blue egg.  And then the next day.  And the next.  And there in the box sat this EE who we now call Roosie (so close to being rooster stew, were we into that sort of thing).

The olive egg vs the new blue egg!

So now we really do have quite the beautiful color assortment.  If only we had a Maran we could have some pretty chocolate colored eggs to add.  Some day!

Adding in now…

Whoops, apparently the spot we thought was a fertile spot is not!  Maybe we lucked out and didn’t get any roosters at all.

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