Sad News, Breeding Woes, and…TRUFFLES!

leah Homesteading , ,

Some sad news yesterday…the breeder friend who had offered us her two goats as a gift decided she just couldn’t live without her own goat milk, so she’s finding a way to take her goats with her out of state and she’s withdrawn her offer.

We have been pretty bummed out but it is what it is 🙁

We have been having so much fun with all the girls.  I’ve been eager to have the girls bred but no one is in heat (I think it’s called “in season” but I could be wrong).  We stuck Bridget in with Burrito and Trinket to see what would happen.  Trinket still couldn’t care less.  Burrito, on the other hand, was enamored.  He smelled the air in her direction and stuck his lips out so funny and craned his neck.  He showed excitement down below as well.

However, Bridget had ZERO interest.  She looked at us like “Get me OUT of here!”  and what a sight because Burrito is under 20 pounds (it seems our boys aren’t growing!) and Bridget is likely around 80.  But we’ve been told where there’s a will there’s a way (or is it “where there’s a willy there’s a way”, LOL!).

I have not yet gotten around to making soap, it seems that every time I think I have everything I need I find there’s something else to buy…lye, molds, stainless steel pot, gloves, chemical safety glasses, scale, thermometer, cutter, fragrance, dye…it’s quite the expensive project!  Hopefully it will work out well as I’m guessing by now we have enough milk for literally 2,000 bars.  We finally started drinking the new girls’ milk yesterday (it’s divine!) but we have 12 days of frozen milk for the soap.

That said, I HAVE started making something new this past week…cheesecake truffles made with my goat chevre!

They are LOVELY.  I’ve made peppermint, orange chocolate, coffee maca, and peanut butter chocolate.  The best are the peanut butter chocolate by far!  I can’t include a recipe as I don’t measure, but it’s plain chevre mixed with cocoa powder, sifted powdered sugar, peanut butter, and a teeny bit of milk to get it to mix well, then formed into balls and dipped in melted chocolate chips, and finally frozen til the chocolate is hard.  Just delish.

Goat pictures for cuteness as I haven’t taken any truffle pictures.

Bridget and Moi
Me with the twins! Such loves. And yes they tried to eat my mala beads.
Five of the girls!

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