Amelia had her maternity shoot a few weeks ago (so did all the pregnant ladies) and she really didn’t get that big. I was worried up until the last week that she might just be having one kid, which makes things a little harder when you’re milking. But then the last week she sort of blossomed and I decided there were probably two, maybe even three in there.

Well, ya’ll…we had quads again. Amelia popped out four perfect tiny dish faced creatures. First a doeling with elf ears, then a buckling with gopher ears, then a breech buckling with gopher ears, and then a doeling with gopher ears…a Sundgau doeling, my favorite!
Four?! Amelia and her army Cuddling the kids
They were born Saturday the 30th. Actually, I had a friend over to visit that day and when we walked by the goats Amelia was yelling and I thought, oh, she just wants more alfalfa. Totally forgot about her and two hours later went back over and she was still yelling, only I noticed that her eyes were all dilated. Whoops. Rushed to clean up the birth stall and then she ran up there with us and not too long after she started kidding. She did very well and I’m super impressed with how well she bounced back and not even any discharge at all (ah, goat farmer life). I think it’s our new regimen of herbs. Christine thinks it’s because she’s young and bounces back quickly. Who knows.
Unfortunately on Wednesday she decided to reject the one doeling I wanted to keep, so now we have two house goats, only Aria is 24 pounds at 3 weeks old and this new doeling is just 4 pounds, so they don’t make safe playmates.
Now we’re just waiting on Kissy to kid (she’s 2 days past her due date) and then we’ll be done until March.