The Chicken Coop is Finished!

leah Animals ,

Thanks to Christine the chickens now have a snake proof chicken coop.  It’s such a shame that our humongous (size of a tiny house) chicken coop did not work out (see the post about the loss of our guineas) but Christine made it work out by building this amazing thing!


So after ten weeks of indoor chick life, the chickens were released to the big outdoors.  Really just their new chicken coop.  The run will be built later, it’s one step at a time, right?

Andi the Andalusian Chicken…we think! She was an “extra” given to us with our other chicks so we don’t actually know what she is.


Silkies checking things out


It’s HAWT in here. But it’s HAWT everywhere. Because…Texas.


Pamplemousse has the personality of a rooster but in the best ways.


Figuring out the new waterer

The worry mama part of me is having anxiety about them panting and feeling like they are too hot even though their feathers are moving in the breezes.  Hopefully they are okay.

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