As you probably guessed, the 7 extra goats really added some chaos to our already chaotic farm, hence the absence of our blog writings. Whooooops.

We think about writing often, we talk about it and say we’ll do it, but come evening we are exhausted and do little more than lay on the couch and watch movies. Normally not a fan of screen time, I honestly can’t imagine farm life without it because by the end of the day you’re literally too exhausted to move another muscle and you’re brain is still not in sleep mode, so there’s where the television comes in. I’ve even started watching video games (watching, not playing, because I never did venture past Mario Brothers myself) and some of them get pretty addicting! Current favorites: Life is Strange and Detroit: Become Human. Yikes, right? Who am I? My board games are just sitting on the shelf staring sadly at me while I completely ignore them; they require more movement and sitting up than I can muster by 8:30 when chores are done. What else am I too tired for? Editing this blog, which is probably going to end up with tons of silly mistakes but honestly I. Just. Cannot.
Farm life currently looks like this:
6:40am Rise and Shiney, Shake Yo Heinie (See we’re bad lazy farmers cuz ideally we should wake up at 6am, especially since it gets hot so blooming fast here.
6:45 Indoor Chores
7am Ducks/Chickens/Baby Goats
7:15am Milk Kissy and Felicia/Feed Horses/Transport Hay from Hay Barn to Horse and Goat Barn/Move Felicia’s daughter Beebee to adult pen to spend the day with her mom

8am Filter milk/Get kids up and dressed and fed
<NORMAL Non-Farm Lifey Things Here>
Noon Feed Horses/Check on All Animals (All 45, I might add)/Stay Alive in Spite of Blistering Temperatures and High Humidity
4pm Check on All Animals/Pinch Yourself to Make Sure You’re Still Alive in the Heat You’re Not Dehydrated
5:30pm Dinner/Family Time
7pm Milk Kissy/Move Beebee back to baby goat area/Water and Feed All Animals

8pm Put Everyone Inside Various Enclosures for the Night
8:30pm Come Inside Sweating Like a Pig and Decide Whether You’ll Just Stink because You’re Too Effing Tired to Shower or Race Upstairs and Shower Using the Rest of Your Energy
8:45pm Turn Into a Puddle of Exhaustion on the Couch

9:30pm Notice that Your Hands are Cramped Up Like Bear Claws and Run Move at Grandma Speed to the Fridge to Pop Turmeric Pills for Joint Pain
10pm Go the Eff to Sleep
And repeat…and repeat…and repeat again.
I’m not sure if farmers are masochists or just the move positive human beings on the planet. Can’t move…every muscle aches…LIFE IS GOOD! Oh gosh, no feeling left in my hands…WE ARE SO BLESSED!
Well I aspire to be more positive. Actually I am the most positive family member which is both exciting and depressing, LOL!
There’s more to write and so much to catch everyone up on…we have ideas, we have pictures, we have videos…but to find the time…ahhh.
But we’re still here and we’re I’m still LOVING this life.